Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Day 3 - Welcome Samfya

Day 3:  We had a little excitement after coming back from dinner.  As I closed the door, lo and behold a tarantula was at the bottom of the door pane.  Yes, you read that correctly.  Actually, it’s quite unusual I guess, as Mark and Carmen have never seen one during their entire time in sub-Saharan Africa.  Mark got it into the trashcan somehow and off it went back into the woods.  We did stuff a carpet under the door to prevent a reunion.  Went to bed at 9:30, overall had a restful sleep despite our Halloween friend.  Did wake up at 1:30 and had to deal with Mike’s snoring a little.  I took a half an Ambien and slept til 6:15.  Had French Toast with bacon (the bacon was chopped up and on top of the toast…a little unusual, but actually good). 

We spent the next 5 hours driving to Samfya and got in town a little after 1.  It was very hot again…well into the mid-90’s.  Again, the amount of new construction was obvious, with numerous larger brick houses with corregated steel roofs going up.  It was nice to see Lake Bangweulu again.  I felt like a kid on vacation trying to be the first one to see the Ocean on summer vacation.  Everything seemed very familiar/comfortable. 


We check into the Kwatcha lodge and Mike and I are actually in the same room.  There have been a few upgrades…more reliable lock on the door, a new dining room/patio, hot water, a fan that doesn’t squeak. We were then off for formal introductions at SCCP and the minister of health and then off to see the hospital and clinic.

I have to say that I’m quite impressed with the continued development that Dr. Lushiku has been overseeing after assuming the position of hospital director.  The large autoclave is operational, the maternity ward expanded, a new men’s ward added, the radiology suite and formal operating room are getting put together. The cost of getting the autoclave finally operational (3-phase electrical connection) was paid for by overbudgeted funds from last year’s trip.  Over the past year, Dr. Lushiku has performed 120 C-sections, 50 hernia repairs, 10 laparotomies, 3 hysterectomies and 50 other minor operations.  I didn’t get a chance to ask about outcomes, as our time was limited. 

I’m really looking forward to coming alongside Lushiku to help Samfya District Hospital take the next step.  There are several operations planned for tomorrow, though he couldn’t remember exactly what is planned.  I guess Holly and I will just dive right in.

Prayer request: 1) For the continued safe expansion of hospital resources, 2) That Holly and I would support their needs and not our own agenda.

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