Sunday, September 16, 2012

Another beautiful day in Samfya.  We headed to the United Church of Zambia for worship after my first really restful sleep.  I guess I’m finally fully adjusted to the time difference, and I’m sure the manual labor of cleaning the OR helped.  A couple of observations about worshiping in the Zambian church: 1) it was very long (2.5 hours), 2) the music was excellent (mostly Zambian sung in Bemba, but they did sing My Remeemer Liver by Hillsong in English, 3) we were welcomed as official visitors and asked to come to the front of the church to be formally greeted by the church leadership and 4) it reinforced for me the broad membership of His universal Church

Mark and Carmen then took the team via boat to a nice beach for a couple hours of fun and relaxation.  The beach was beautiful with soft white sand and a long shallow area where we tossed the Frisbee and swam.  On the way back we started taking in a fair amount of water (luckily we didn’t have to start bailing the water) but made it back to the dock.  I guess the right lateral weld in the hull cracked for about a foot.  This will affect the medical team’s plan to travel by boat on Wednesday to the island in the middle of the lake for Hut calls, unless they’re able to find another boat.

Everyone is rested and fully charged for a intensive week of serving the Lord.  The next few days will be critical if we are to do any operations during our time here. I pray that we will be able to gather all the necessary resources and put systems in place to make that happen.

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